Chapters/Interest Groups

ISTJ Members are invited to join, propose, and lead geographically-based chapters and subject-matter interest groups.

CHAPTERS (as of March 2021)

The following geographically-based chapters have been established. Please e-mail the listed contact persons if you’d like to join!

Continental and larger groups

North America

Chapter contacts:


Australia, New Zealand, and Asia Pacific.

Chapter contacts:



Chapter contacts:


Chapter contacts:


Chapter contacts:


Chapter contact:


Chapter contacts:


Chapter contacts:

Puerto Rico

Chapter contacts:

South Africa
United Kingdom

Chapter contacts:

INTEREST GROUPS (as of November 2019)

The following subject-matter interest groups have been established. Please e-mail the listed contact persons to join!

Judicial Outreach

This interest group is especially for judges and others who wish to develop and apply TJ practices to judicial administration.


Social Science

This broad-based interest group is especially for scholars and practitioners whose primary training and work are in fields other than law and who seek to further multidisciplinary applications to TJ.


Bullying, Mobbing and Abuse

This multidisciplinary interest group examines bullying, mobbing, and abuse behaviors across the lifespan and associated consequences of psychological trauma.


The TJ Forum page includes additional information and notices about existing Chapters and Interest Groups!


Chapters are geographically based groups of ISTJ members and may be organized by nation, state/province/territory, city or town, university, or any other designated region.

  1. In order to propose a Chapter, a minimum of five (5) ISTJ members must agree to be a part of it. Only members in good standing of the ISTJ may be members of a Chapter.
  2. Chapter co-founders should submit to the Board of Trustees a brief proposal describing the geographical region covered by the Chapter, listing the names of at least five (5) ISTJ members who will be part of the Chapter, and designating a Chair or Co-Chairs of the Chapter. Please also share your plans for growing the Interest Group in terms of activities and members. Please send your proposal to Astrid Birgden.
  3. Chairs shall serve two-year, renewable terms. Chairs shall be primarily responsible for Chapter coordination and communications. We strongly encourage turnover in the Chair position in order to share leadership opportunities.


We are creating an array of subject matter-specific Interest Groups to bring together ISTJ members who have shared professional interests.

  1. Any ISTJ member may propose the creation of an Interest Group. However, we strongly prefer that a minimum of five (5) ISTJ members be a part of the proposal. Only members in good standing of the ISTJ may be members of an Interest Group.
  2. Interest Group co-founders should submit to the Board of Trustees a brief proposal describing subject matter covered by their proposed group, listing the names of the ISTJ members who will be founding members of the group, and designating a Chair or Co-Chairs. Please also share your plans for growing the Interest Group in terms of activities and members. Please send your proposal to Astrid Birgden.
  3. Chairs shall serve two-year, renewable terms. Chairs shall be primarily responsible for Interest Group coordination and communications. We strongly encourage turnover in the Chair position in order to share leadership opportunities.


We strongly encourage Chapters and Interest Groups to:

  • Engage in a wide variety of activities, including creating and co-creating events, developing research and best practices, and using social media to promote and publicize their work;
  • Use the TJ Forum on the ISTJ website to host discussions and provide updates so that all ISTJ members may have an opportunity to follow and support their work;
  • Grow according to numbers and capabilities, including creating additional leadership positions, committees, and working groups.
  • Post a brief annual report every January on chapter activities and plans to the TJ Forum.


As we enable the creation of Chapters and Interest Groups, it is our dearest hope that common sense will be the guiding star that allows us to keep rules and standards to a minimum. We start out with the following:

  • The ISTJ is registered as a tax-exempt, non-profit, learned association under U.S. law. For now we are asking Chapters and Interest Groups to refrain from endorsing or sponsoring legislation or litigation. Of course, this does not prevent individual ISTJ members from working together on such initiatives. Under no circumstances shall a Chapter or Interest Group endorse a candidate for elected or appointed public office.
  • The ISTJ trustees reserve the right to revisit already approved Chapters and Interest Groups, including the possibility of combining or separating entities or closing down inactive ones.
  • We ask members of Chapters and Interest Groups to embrace inclusive and dignifying practices in terms of working with each other to advance and support TJ. We want involvement in ISTJ activities to be meaningful and rewarding, not a chore or a burden!
  • During the months and years to come, we anticipate that the ISTJ and its Chapters and Interest Groups will grow in scale. We will do our best to ensure that such expansion is seamless and natural – an ambitious but we hope realistic aspiration. Please work with us as we juggle, manage, and sort out the welcomed challenges of creating and growing the ISTJ.
  • As membership dues start to bring in revenue to the ISTJ, we look forward to developing mechanisms that allow us to fund activities organized by Chapters and Interest Groups. It may take us several annual membership cycles and additional fundraising to develop this capacity.