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II Congreso Iberoamericano de Justicia Terapéutica

December 4, 2014 - December 6, 2014

Honor Committee

–  Rafael Moreno Valle . Governor of the State of Puebla.

–  Martha Erika Alonso de Moreno Valle . President of the State DIF of Puebla.

–  Roberto Flores Toledano . President of the Superior Court of Justice of the State of Puebla

–  María Belinda Aguilar Díaz . General Director of the Judicial Studies Institute of Puebla.

–  David Wexler . Director of the International Network on Therapeutic Jurisprudence

–  Pascual Ortuño . Vice-president of the Groupement Européen des Magistrats pour la Médiation

–  Francisca Fariña Rivera . President of the AITJ

Advisory Committee


–  Luís Enrique Osuna Sánchez . Secretary of the Federal Court of Fiscal and Administrative Justice. (Mexico)

–  Sara Patricia Colín Soto . Deputy Director of the Institute of Judicial Studies of the State of Puebla (Mexico)

–  Luz Anyela Morales Quintero . Academic and Research Advisor of the Institute of Judicial Studies, Research Professor of the Benemérita University of Puebla (Colombia-Mexico


– Sofia Cobo . National Institute of Criminal Sciences INACIPE (Mexico)

– Eric García-López . Director in Mexico of the AIPL (Ibero-American Association of Legal Psychology)

– Olga Galicia . President of the Mexican Professional Association of Psychology of Mexico (Mexico)


– Alberto Amiot Rodríguez . TTD Judge for Adults and Adolescents. (Chile)

– Isabel Bonilla . Member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of Family Lawyers (AEAFA). (Spain)

– Fernando Díaz Colorado . Professor at the Universidad Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. (Colombia)

– Catalina Droppelmann Roepke . Researcher at the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge. Advisor to the Paz Ciudadana Foundation. (Chile)

– Claudio Enrique Habijan . Person in charge of the Sexual Abuse and Child Sexual Abuse Team of the Judicial Branch of the Province of Mendoza. (Argentina)

– Marcos Kac . Director of the Brazilian Association of Therapeutic Justice. (Brazil)

– Kieran McGrath . Professor of the Department of Social Studies at Trinity College Dublin. (Ireland)

– Daniel Pulcherio Fensterseifer . Professor of Law. Integrated Regional University of Alto Uruguai das MissÃμess.(Brazil)

– John Charles Torres Vásquez . President of the Peruvian Association of Legal and Forensic Psychology. (Peru)

scientific Comittee


– David B. Wexler . Univ. Of Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)

– Francisca Fariña Rivera . University of Vigo (Spain)


– Luz Anyela Morales Quintero . Academic and Research Advisor of the Judicial Studies Institute, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla BUAP (Mexico)

– Rui J. Abrunhosa . University of Minho (Portugal)

– Mila Arch . University of Barcelona (Spain)

– Ramón Arce Fernández . University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

– Virginia Barber . New York University (USA)

– Claudia Chan Gamboa . University of Guadalajara (Mexico)

– Marelli Colon . University of Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico).

– Rigoberto Cuéllar Cruz . Technological University of Honduras (Honduras)

– Cristina Estrada Pineda . University of Guadalajara (Mexico)

– Francisca Expósito . University of Granada (Spain)

– María Dolores Fernández Fustes . University of Vigo.

– Martha Frías . University of Sonora (Mexico)

– Esther González Pillado . University of Vigo (Spain)

– Pablo Grande Seara . University of Vigo (Spain)

– Norberto Liwski . University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)

– Paula Cristina Martins . University of Minho (Portugal)

– Mercedes Novo Pérez . University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

– Eduardo Osuna . University of Murcia. (Spain)

– Mª Silvia Oyamburu . Lomas de Zamora University (Argentina)

– Francisco Javier Rodríguez . University of Oviedo (Spain)

– Dolores Seijo Martínez . University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

– Francisco Torres . Granada University (Spain)

– Francisco Tortosa . University of Valencia (Spain)

– María José Vázquez Figueiredo . University of Vigo (Spain)

Organizing Committee


– Judge Roberto Flores Toledano . President of the Superior Court of Justice of the State of Puebla


– Magistrada María Belinda Aguilar Díaz . General Director of the Judicial Studies Institute of Puebla



– Sara Patricia Colín Soto . 

– Magistrada María de los Ángeles Camacho Machorro

– Judge Margarita Gayosso Ponce

– Carlos Enrique Rojas Plascencia

– Rafael Estrada Michel .

– Luis Alejandro Duran Cerón

– Juan Carlos Morales Flores



– Ana Mijanjos

– Marby Carrera



December 4, 2014
December 6, 2014


Asociacón Iberoamericana de Justicia Terapéutica
View Organizer Website


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