
One of the most important functions of the International Society for Therapeutic Jurisprudence is to support research, scholarship, and informed commentary. We will be actively seeking participation from members toward this end.

International Journal of Therapeutic Jurisprudence — Published at Arizona Summit Law School, the International Journal of Therapeutic Jurisprudence features articles, essays, and reviews on TJ-related topics. You may freely access Volume 1 (2016; pdf here), Volume 2 (2016-17; pdf here), and Volume 3 (2018; pdf here). During 2018, we will be providing updated information on how to submit work for possible publication.

Occasional Papers Series — We are developing an Occasional Papers Series that will publish short, authoritative, peer-edited commentaries on topics related to TJ. During 2018, we will provide information on how to submit work to this series.

Our Therapeutic Jurisprudence in the Mainstream blog offers opportunities to publish shorter commentaries. The TJ Forum encourages members to share their work and invite discussions with fellow members of the ISTJ community.

We also refer you to the Therapeutic Jurisprudence searchable bibliography, a database that yields a wealth of authors, titles, and links to TJ-related law review and academic journal articles.

We welcome submissions to the bibliography. Your article must pertain to Therapeutic Jurisprudence and will be reviewed by a member of the ISTJ team before it appears in the bibliography. If you are a student and your paper has not been published, please include a faculty recommendation with your submission.

Additionally, we welcome updates to existing entries. Please use the form below to submit new or revised entries.

If this is a student paper, we may email you to request a faculty recommendation before we include the paper in the bibliography.
Enter the full title of the article. Please use title case and no quotation marks.
If this article involves a specific jurisdiction or territory, enter it here. (i.e. European Union, USA, Queensland)
If this article involves specific courts, indicate which ones here
Use the publisher's full name, i.e. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry *Do not use abbreviations*
If the item is part of a larger body of work (i.e. article in a journal, chapter in a book) indicate the editor(s) name(s) here
Where can this item be located online? Databases with stable URLs are preferred (i.e. SSRN, HeinOnline)
If this item has a DOI number, indicate it here. Use the format: 10.1002/bsl.421
Use may select multiple subjects. On Windows, use the Ctrl key. On Macs, use the Command ⌘ key.