
Among other things, the International Society for Therapeutic Jurisprudence is serving as a virtual consolidation and gathering spot for a variety of TJ-related initiatives. Here are some of the basics, with more to come:

Presentations from past conferences

Every year, our members present at conferences all over the world. At the IALMH conference in July, 2019, we asked our members to send in their slides so we can show off their good work. If you would like to see your work included here, please email us at

Michael Perlin – “Deceived Me into Thinking/I Had Something to Protect”

Jill Howieson and Archie Zariski – Mentalizing for Therapeutic Jurisprudence

Dr Lorana Bartels and Dr Anthony Hopkins – Open-Hearted Justice

Therapeutic Jurisprudence in the Mainstream blog — The official blog of the ISTJ serves as a rich source of commentary promoting the application of TJ principles and practices in mainstream legal and policy settings. You may enter a free subscription on the site. A range of resources and links on TJ are available on the resources section of the ISTJ blog. Click here:

International Journal of Therapeutic Jurisprudence — Published at Arizona Summit Law School, the International Journal of Therapeutic Jurisprudence features articles, essays, and reviews on TJ-related topics. You may freely access Volume 1 (2016; pdf here), Volume 2 (2016-17; pdf here) and Volume 3 (2018; pdf here).

Iberoamerican Therapeutic Jurisprudence Association — This outstanding group has already hosted several Spanish-speaking TJ conferences.

International Academy of Law and Mental Health — The IALMH is a long-time friend of the TJ movement. It hosts a biennial International Congress on Law and Mental Health that has included a dedicated “TJ stream” of panels and programs. It also publishes the International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, to which members of the TJ community have contributed articles.

TJ listserv — We maintain a useful TJ listserv with an international membership that may be joined by sending a BLANK email to

Spanish-speaking TJ listserv — You are also invited to join a Spanish-speaking TJ listserv called Redtj, by sending a BLANK email to