VIII Congreso Internacional de Psicologia Juridica y Forense
Santiago de Compostela , SpainII Congreso Iberoamericano de Justicia Terapéutica
Salón Fuerte de Guadalupe Centro Expositor Puebla, Puerto RicoHonor Committee - Rafael Moreno Valle . Governor of the State of Puebla. - Martha Erika Alonso de Moreno Valle . President of the State DIF of Puebla. - Roberto Flores Toledano . President of the Superior Court of Justice of the State of Puebla - María Belinda Aguilar Díaz . General Director of the Judicial Studies Institute of Puebla. - David Wexler . Director of the International Network on […]
IX Congreso Internacional de Psicologia Juridica y Forense
Santiago de Compostela , SpainX Congreso Internacional de Psicologia Juridica y Forense
Sevilla , SpainISTJ Holds Founding Meeting in Prague, Czech Republic
The ISTJ’s opening event was a founding meeting on Tuesday at the International Congress on Law and Mental Health, held in Prague, Czech Republic. Several dozen people from around the world filled a meeting room to discuss plans for this new organization, and the combined energies created a palpable sense of enthusiasm and engagement.
Kathy Cerminara and Amy Campbell receive the first Wexler/Winick Awards
At the Prague founding meeting, law professors Amy Campbell (U. Memphis) and Kathy Cerminara (Nova Southeastern U., Florida) were named the recipients of first Wexler/Winick Distinguished Service Awards, given in recognition of outstanding service to the TJ community. The award is named for TJ co-founders David Wexler and the late Bruce Winick.
ISTJ Board approves creation of the Hora/Jones Award
The ISTJ Board of Trustees has enthusiastically approved the creation of the “Peggy Hora/Michael Jones Award for Distinguished Judicial Service,” to be presented to “judges who are making outstanding contributions to the administration of justice in a therapeutic jurisprudence mode.” The award is named for two former judges who have made significant contributions to the […]
XI Congreso Internacional de Psicologia Juridica y Forense
Granada Various, SpainTherapeutic Jurisprudence Oceania symposium
Interested in a justice system that improves the well-being of all those impacted it? Come along to the first Therapeutic Jurisprudence Oceania symposium in Brisbane, Australia on April 13 & 14, 2019 It will be an intimate and relaxed gathering of people across the region to exchange current TJ developments and plan for the future […]
XXXVIth International Congress on Law and Mental Health
Various Rome, ItalyThere will be a dedicated Therapeutic Jurisprudence (TJ) stream at the congress. This is a great opportunity to share ideas with people from many different disciplines who are interested in improving laws and legal systems. CALL FOR THERAPEUTIC JURISPRUDENCE ABSTRACTS submit by 30 April 2018 You can submit an abstract for an individual or a […]
2019 Justice for Young People Conference
Rendevous Hotel Melbourne 328 Flinders St, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaWhat are the latest and most pressing problems in the highly complex area of youth justice? And how can the various courts and tribunals of Australia’s juvenile justice system work together to provide a more effective and responsive youth justice system for all young people, including Indigenous, African and Pacific Islander youth? Judicial officers, lawyers, […]
Dispute-Settlers – Challenges and Dilemmas
The Non-Adversarial and Therapeutic Justice Center (NATJC) is continuously heading various activities related to TJ. In December 2019 the NATJC held the conference “Dispute-Settlers – Challenges and Dilemmas” which dealt with the changes in the role of lawyers, mediators and judges in dispute resolution procedures. The conference included a panel discussion on ethical aspects and […]
Therapeutic Justice in the UK
In 2018, Dr. Emma Jones (Sheffield University) and Dr. Anna Kawalek (Leeds Beckett University) engaged in several lengthy discussions about the potential of launching a Therapeutic Jurisprudence (TJ) in the UK Chapter. This had yet been done before in the UK context, but would form a branch of the International Society of TJ (ISTJ), and […]
*Postponed* Therapeutic Justice Scholars’ Convening
University of Baltimore 1401 N Charles St, 12th Floor, Baltimore, MD, United States*This event has been postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19. We will update this event with details as they are given to us.* The University of Baltimore School of Law Sayra and Neil Meyerhoff Center for Families Children and the Courts (CFCC) and the International Society for Therapeutic Jurisprudence will host a Therapeutic Jurisprudence Scholars' Convening […]
Webinar Series: TJ for Judges, Lawyers and Court Staff
Stay tuned for ISTJ’s 2022 global webinar series about TJ for judges lawyers and court staff.
IALMH 2022
Lyon, France Lyon, FranceThe International Academy of Law and Mental Health (IALMH) Congress will be held from July 3-8, 2022 in beautiful Lyon, France. The Congress has a dedicated TJ Stream. You can register here.
Around the World with TJ Webinar – January 19
Please join us for the first webinar in the Around the World with TJ Webinar Series: Fostering Healthy Processes and Outcomes in Child Welfare Matters January 19 2:00 pm EST (GMT-5) Professor Margaret Spencer (Australia) Professor Tali Gal (Israel) Professor Shelley Kierstead (Canada) Here is the registration link: After registering, you will receive […]
Current Penal Reform Trends in Japan from a TJ Lens
Professors Makato Ibusuki and Yasuhiro Maruyama will discuss current trends in penal reform in Japan. Participants will have an opportunity to engage in a discussion of comparative efforts in other jurisdictions.
UK Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Health Conference
UK Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Health Conference: Opportunities, Challenges and the Vulnerabilities of Health Throughout the Life Course Call for papers: If you wish to present, please send an abstract and title for consideration to Professor Nicola Glover-thomas: Abstract: no more than 200 words Title: no more than 12 words Presentation: 15-minute presentation Deadline: 1st […]