Webinar Series: TJ for Judges, Lawyers and Court Staff
Stay tuned for ISTJ’s 2022 global webinar series about TJ for judges lawyers and court staff.
Stay tuned for ISTJ’s 2022 global webinar series about TJ for judges lawyers and court staff.
The International Academy of Law and Mental Health (IALMH) Congress will be held from July 3-8, 2022 in beautiful Lyon, France. The Congress has a dedicated TJ Stream. You can register here.
Please join us for the first webinar in the Around the World with TJ Webinar Series: Fostering Healthy Processes and Outcomes in Child Welfare Matters January 19 2:00 pm EST (GMT-5) Professor Margaret Spencer (Australia) Professor Tali Gal (Israel) Professor Shelley Kierstead (Canada) Here is the registration link: https://yorku.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtd-mhrDorH9RMK4FvNsYl4t7bxKH4sDjY After registering, you will receive […]
Professors Makato Ibusuki and Yasuhiro Maruyama will discuss current trends in penal reform in Japan. Participants will have an opportunity to engage in a discussion of comparative efforts in other jurisdictions.
UK Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Health Conference: Opportunities, Challenges and the Vulnerabilities of Health Throughout the Life Course Call for papers: If you wish to present, please send an abstract and title for consideration to Professor Nicola Glover-thomas: nicola.glover-thomas@manchester.ac.uk Abstract: no more than 200 words Title: no more than 12 words Presentation: 15-minute presentation Deadline: 1st […]