IALMH 2022
Lyon, France Lyon, FranceThe International Academy of Law and Mental Health (IALMH) Congress will be held from July 3-8, 2022 in beautiful Lyon, France. The Congress has a dedicated TJ Stream. You can register here.
The International Academy of Law and Mental Health (IALMH) Congress will be held from July 3-8, 2022 in beautiful Lyon, France. The Congress has a dedicated TJ Stream. You can register here.
Please join us for the first webinar in the Around the World with TJ Webinar Series: Fostering Healthy Processes and Outcomes in Child Welfare Matters January 19 2:00 pm EST (GMT-5) Professor Margaret Spencer (Australia) Professor Tali Gal (Israel) Professor Shelley Kierstead (Canada) Here is the registration link: https://yorku.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtd-mhrDorH9RMK4FvNsYl4t7bxKH4sDjY After registering, you will receive […]
Professors Makato Ibusuki and Yasuhiro Maruyama will discuss current trends in penal reform in Japan. Participants will have an opportunity to engage in a discussion of comparative efforts in other jurisdictions.